From the Editor
Issue 18 | Summer 2019

he IKE Institute recently undertook a research study to examine how organised, developed and supported innovation was within engineering-related business across different economic sectors. The results showed - as some of us may have expected - that there is still a lot of room for improvement. In this edition, IKE CEO Professor Sa’ad Medhat tells us more about the research and what it revealed about the state of innovation in engineering across Europe.
Fostering new talent plays a vital role in our efforts to increase innovation capacity. We find out how the Royal Academy of Engineering is trying to encourage young people to consider engineering careers, and hear from a leading education researcher about the importance of maintaining solid science education in a time where the other STEM subjects increasingly become prioritised.
We also shine a spotlight on governance and social responsibility in this edition. Grant Thornton UK explains why good governance is the surprise element in creating a culture that sparks new ideas, and Impact Reporting tells us how its technology is helping organisations to improve their social value reporting.
Also in this edition, we hear from SAS how data analytics can be used for the greater good in the public sector, find out how organisations can create a culture of innovation through learning and development, and take a look at selected video highlights from the UN’s third AI for Good Summit in Geneva.
I hope you enjoy this edition of Brite Innovation Review.
Susanne Hauner, publisher
PS: We always welcome views on innovation from across industry, government and academia. If you'd like to contribute an article to Brite, don't hesitate to get in touch.
The IKE Institute recently undertook a research study to examine how organised, developed and supported innovation was within engineering-related business across different economic sectors.The results showed - as some of us may have expected - that there is still a lot of room for improvement. In this edition, IKE CEO Professor Sa’ad Medhat tells us more about the research and what it revealed about the state of innovation in engineering across Europe.
Fostering new talent plays a vital role in our efforts to increase innovation capacity. We find out how the Royal Academy of Engineering is trying to encourage young people to consider engineering careers, and hear from a leading education researcher about the importance of maintaining solid science education in a time where the other STEM subjects increasingly become prioritised.
We also shine a spotlight on governance and social responsibility in this edition. Grant Thornton UK explains why good governance is the surprise element in creating a culture that sparks new ideas, and Impact Reporting tells us how its technology is helping organisations to improve their social value reporting.
Also in this edition, we hear from SAS how data analytics can be used for the greater good by helping public sector professionals make the best possible decisions, find out how organisations can create a culture of innovation through learning and development, and take a look at selected video highlights from the UN’s third AI for Good Summit in Geneva.
I hope you enjoy this edition of Brite Innovation Review.
Susanne Hauner, publisher
PS: We always welcome views on innovation from across industry, government and academia. If you'd like to contribute an article to Brite, don't hesitate to get in touch.